Why is white sugar bad for your health

Sugar does not contain a single nutrient that is useful to the body. The sweetness of sugar is due to sucrose which is not digested by the body. It is very difficult to digest, even the other foods you are eating with sweets will not be digested.

Sugar increases obesity. Sugar increases cholesterol. Sugar is the main cause of diabetes. After giving up sugar, you will get relief in back pain, neck pain, knee pain, migraine, cold and flu. Sleep will be good.

More often sugar is treated with sulfur to give it the white color. Which is called Gandhak in Hindi. Which is used to make firecrackers. This sulfur does not come out of our bodies and causes many types of diseases. British brought white sugar to India, The first sugar mill was established in 1868. It was first distributed free of cost for our people to get used to it.

Jaggery has all the nutrients like potassium, calcium, phosphorous etc. Nothing is mixed from outside to make jaggery. Eat some jaggery after a meal as it helps a lot in digesting the food.

There are three types of sugar – glucose, sucrose, and fructose. The sweetness of fruits and jaggery is due to fructose. Which are found only in things made by nature. That is, such things can also be eaten by diabetic patients. You can also eat honey. Provided that keep taking Triphala with them.

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