Children’s cough and cold Home Remedies

  1. Mix half a teaspoon of honey in half a teaspoon of basil juice and give it to the child thrice a day. There will be relief in cold and cough.
  2. Apply a little mustard oil daily on his chest and anus, you will get relief soon.
  3. Lick a little dry ginger powder mixed with jaggery and ghee, it cures cough and cold of the child.
  4. If phlegm accumulates in the chest of the child, then rub a little cow’s ghee. The phlegm will melt and come out.
  5. Taking 2 grams powder of big cardamom with water thrice a day provides relief from all types of cough.
  6. 5 kernels of almonds, raisins and black pepper – make a ball by grinding them with sugar candy. Give one tablet to suck after every 4 hours. This will remove the cough.

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